Ave Roosevelt calle 16
Zona Libre de Colón
Tel.+507 441-3677, 441-3880
Elbros International, S.A. is located in the Colon Free Zone, Republic of Panama and was founded on 1990.
We serve the countries in the area. North, South, Central America and the Caribbean.
Today, ELBROS INTERNACIONAL, S.A. offers an extense variety of styles in footwear, that we can ship anywhere.
We also can offer first cost of products made in Asia; to be shipped to any port in the world.
Tiko Kids, Sherin, Rowena, Pilili, Neser, L & L, Layla, Gardenia, 2 Good, Chesterton, Boltio, Bahia, Andolini, Walside, Walk Way,