Apartado 030-01036
Zona Libre, Colón
República de Panamá
Tel.+507 441-6585
Website: www.premierelectric.net
Premier has received international recognition and the loyalty of its clients thanks to its forsight of the needs of the ultimate consumer. For this reason Premier currently distributes its products in diverse countries.
Our intention is to carry excellent quality products at the cutting edge of technology at accessible prices. In this manner we introduce to you Premier, a brand that offers a wide range of Audio, Video, and Home products.
The brand Premier symbolizes, as does its name, the company's vision: be the 'first' in the preference of the public and be 'first' in reaching the consumer possibilities that contribute to their well-being and make life more pleasant.
Premier Electric (Japan) Corp., considers its mission to be: the development and marketing of its products with its team of trained, professional staff backed by a network of authorized tecnical workshops. Customer satisfaction is fundamental to us. To the consumer Premier is synonomous with superior quality at a fair price.
Premier, Cedar, Ultrasonic,